Terms of Participation and Player Obligations

  1. The tournament is open to Players over 18 years old.
  2. Use of mobile phones, tablets and computers in the hall is strictly prohibited. 
  3. Entry to the playing area is only allowed without electronics, i.e. even without electronic watches.
  4. A Player is aware and agrees that the tournament is being recorded.
  5. A Player understands that matches are sold to bookmakers for commercial purposes. The bookmakers list odds on individual matches on which their users can place bets.
  6. A Player is obliged and commits not to bet on any match of the Hot Bikini League table tennis tournament series. This applies to all matches and tournaments, even if a Player is not currently competing in them. A Player must also ensure that family members, friends and other persons directly associated with him/her do not bet on table tennis tournaments and any matches in the series. In the event of a violation of this regulation and proof of knowingly influencing any matches, Player may be subject to lifetime exclusion from the table tennis tournament series, a fine of up to 10 000 EUR and possibly other legal consequences.
  7. A Player agrees to have a photograph taken and placed on the website to create a profile of the Player.
  8. Any Player may be eliminated without giving any reason during the tournament if he/she violates any of the above mentioned rules of participation or at the decision of the Organizer. In this case, no prize will be awarded to the Player.
  9. Each Player is aware that he/she may, if necessary, officiate 1-3 matches during the tournament.
  10. A Player is obliged to be at the tournament venue at least 30 minutes before the start of the tournament, even if he/she plays only the second match according to the schedule. If he/she is not on time, he/she must inform the organizer about the delay.
  11. A Player must have his/her own bat and appropriate table tennis clothing (shorts, shoes, t-shirt).
  12. The organizer reserves the right to interrupt a match in progress at any time due to technical reasons.
  13. Tournament prizes:
  • Players will receive a prize for the final position in the tournament, the prizes are set as follows: 1st place - 90 EUR, 2nd place - 75 EUR, 3rd place - 60 EUR, 4th place - 48 EUR.
  • The recipient (Player) acknowledges that the income has not been taxed by the payer and therefore the recipient is responsible for its possible taxation according to the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act (applies to prizes up to 400 EUR).
  • The recipient (referee) acknowledges that the income has not been taxed by the payer and therefore the recipient is responsible for its possible taxation according to the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act.
  • Remuneration will be paid once a week to the above bank account.
  • The Promoters have the right to change the prize distribution methodology at any time.
  • It is strictly prohibited to share the prizes amongst the Players or make any arrangements other than as stipulated.

Player Conduct Rules

  1. Professional conduct is required. Each Player is required to behave in a responsible manner with the understanding that a video recording of the match is being taken.
  2. No discussion regarding betting, bookmakers, etc. is allowed in the arena. An audio recording is also being made for back checking.
  3. During the match, maximum concentration on the game, winning and competitiveness is required. A Player shall perform at his/her best in his/her matches and shall under no circumstances lower his/her performance.
  4. A Player shall not show any great emotion during his/her matches (anger, yelling, humiliating the opponent, excessive joy, etc.).
  5. A Player must conduct in a professional manner and not disrupt the continuity of the game.
  6. Every game is played with a winning mentality. Players receive financial prizes not only for results but also for sportsmanship.
  7. Players are only allowed a very short 1-2 minute warm-up.
  8. Place towels, drinks and other personal items carefully in the designated areas.


  1. Players may be issued yellow and red cards. These are awarded by the Organiser, who signals to the referee.
  2. Each card (yellow and red) is subject to a fine of 20 EUR.
  3. Cards will be awarded for: throwing the bat, hitting the ball out, excessive vulgar language and unsportsmanlike conduct.
  4. The following are also prohibited: tying your shoelaces with your feet on the table and spitting on the floor.
  5. A Player is required to be present in the hall 30 minutes prior to the start of the tournament, even if he/she is playing in the second game. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to 40 EUR. This will be deducted from the next time Player participates in the next tournament.

Tournaments Hot Bikini League are organized by TT Stream s.r.o..